Many parents are embarking on educating their children at home due to the COVID-19 situation. GPL has put together a list of resources to help you in this new endeavor – GPL Homeschool Page. There are a plethora of choices available. Whether you are choosing virtual options, online options, hybrid programs, or completely going off the grid to make your own programs, we have resources to direct you to for help.
Both my coworker Bonnie and I have educated our children until college with an assortment of programs and materials. I used a combination of curriculum including systematic phonics programs, Saxon math, and unit studies-based curriculum. My children were involved in 4-H (public speaking, aeronautics, sewing, nutrition, animal husbandry, etc), Bible Bowl, various soccer and running competitions, Civil Air Patrol, piano, youth groups, and many volunteer experiences. In high school they participated in coop classes and took dual credit college classes for science and foreign language. All my children received numerous scholarships and obtained degrees from Ashland University in Ohio, Notre Dame, Hanover, and Purdue. It was not an easy road but we made it.
Bonnie based her home school curriculum on the recommendations of The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer. Her children attended the education coop classes offered by SEEK and SCHA (Southside Christian Homeschool Academy). Several of these high school classes are AP (Advanced Placement). They took dual credit classes at Franklin College (Running Start Program) and were involved in numerous performances through CGFAA and AGAPE youth community theater programs. They were also in church youth groups, local volunteer services projects, received classical training in voice and piano and were pages in our GPL Children’s Dept. Her daughters received scholarships to Ohio State University and IU. Bonnie’s youngest was named as a National Merit Scholar.
Please feel free to ask us about our experiences and curriculum recommendations. We try to stock our Parent/Teacher collection with helpful resources and are open to suggestions and requests for new materials.