From the Desk of
Cheryl Dobbs, Director
We live in an instant society, and most of the time I’m a fan of instant. Instant internet connections, instant access to information, and best of all the guilty pleasure of fast food. But our addiction to instant has a downside: We have developed short attention spans and want quick fixes for complex problems.
At GPL, we currently have a complex problem. We have been untangling the knots of this problem for not quite three months, and we have made a lot of progress. But whatever our recovery plan may be, it is certainly not instant. Because of the serious threat posed by our problem, we are especially anxious to say that we have solved it, or that we have at least dodged the bullet that might bring us down, but to say that now would be premature. We have a plan, and we are following that plan, but any unexpected emergency has the potential to derail our delicate balance.
When we began the Save GPL campaign, we asked for the help of our community, and you have stepped up. Gifts range from second graders collecting donations from their classes to teenagers raiding their savings and patrons bringing by checks of every denomination. So far, the Friends of the Library have raised $13,000 out of their $200,000 goal from individual donations and more than 95 individual donors have participated.
The initial shock that the library could close its doors has opened the eyes of many in our community to the fact that libraries need the help of individual and corporate donors, and cannot rely soley on tax revenues. There was a time when tax revenues were a solid, predictable and sustainable source of funding – but a variety of factors including tiff districts and property tax caps have ended that era. So for this year, the road to recovery is rocky and narrow, but we know that with the help of our community and by making good decisions that road will eventually become broad and smooth, and allow us to make better time.
It is difficult to continue to ask for support – and more difficult still for people to feel the need as keenly as in those first frightening weeks. But we do still need your support. Every dollar donated to the Friends of the Library allows us to purchase the books and materials we so desperately need and helps us protect our recovery against unexpected expenses that could derail us.
Last week the Southside Times published an editorial cartoon (pictured below) from artist Mark Brayer. It made my day. Every day, good things happen at GPL. In addition to our continued service to the community, the community is serving and supporting us right back. Yesterday, a patron used her small Jewelry business to raise over $400 for the library. A teacher called me the day before that to let me know that a second grade student is spearheading a fund raising effort at his school for us. Good things. Every day.
And every day someone says to me, “Now you guys are going to make it, right?” or “The Library is going to be ok now, right?” Unfortunately, I can’t give that kind of promise . . . Except that I can and do promise that we will follow the advice of our expert advisors and make right decisions – no matter how painful, no matter how difficult. I am a firm believer that if you continue to do that – if you make right decision after right decision, you will eventually find yourself where you are supposed to be.